Art of Ian Joseph Diaz

Art of Ian Joseph Diaz

Thursday, August 27, 2015


My final for a 3D prop modeling class. It’s based off a real antique weapon.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Time Period Costumes

Outfits! All based on a blend of two cultures from specific time periods. As far as the school project went, my character Ameli was supposed to be an immortal thief and info broker that used very social methods. That’s why most of her costumes can convert from a big dress to pants and boots simply by removing the skirt or top layer. If things ever went south for her, she could more easily book it. Personally though, Ameli’s story for school is not the same as the actual story I have for her.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Dragon Dungeon

Here's a dragon-themed dungeon environment made using modular pieces I painted beforehand. The scene is meant to look like a sort of boss arena. Underneath the final image are the pieces I used and a quick set up of how they would assemble.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Fighting Game Mock-up

Fighting game mock-up! Like I said before, fighting games are my jam, so I hope to able to make or contribute to a real one some day. I used the Unity engine to mock up a fighting game scene and UI in a game space, and hand made all the sprites and models you see in the scene. There’s also a video that shows how the UI animates and how the parallax perspective works when the camera moves side to side, but I’ll post that another time.

There’s a version of the scene without the fat “ROUND 1″ covering the background, as well as another image with more character ideas than the two actually used in the scene. The fighting game scene was made for school, but the extra characters were churned out during my spare time.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Clarke the Ugly Alien Explorer

Here's something that's not on the header. This guy is one of my first forays into character modeling in ZBrush, which I'm still pretty new at.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Ameli Tennehill

Just a character design, and another full piece from the header banner. Her name's Ameli Tennehill, and she's got ice-based powers, hence the ice hands. This is her default outfit, but I used her for a school project where I had to design multiple costumes for her, so I'll be sure to post those soon.

"Beach Golem" Creature Concept

Here’s another piece from the header banner, this time with additional concept bits as well. This was actually a school assignment for creature design, and pulled ideas from gorillas, crabs, cuttlefish, and turtles, all with a stone theme.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Mortal Kombat Head Studies

Here’s the full version of one of the pieces featured in my header. Fighting games are my jam, and I made this around the time of Mortal Kombat X’s release. The art style is based off the Coarse sculpture of Scorpion that came with the game’s collector’s edition, so the portrait of Scorpion is a study of the sculpture while the portrait of Sub-Zero is my attempt at recreating the art style.


Just a full version of the art banner in my blog's header. I figure this is a nice start and a good preview of what I do while I get the hang of how to use blogger.